Empty3.one project computers and technology
Empty3.one project computers and technology (en-US)
3D, anime, calculator, calculatrice, capture, configuration, configure, creation, design, developer, development, effects, empty3, empty3-library-3d, empty3.config, encode, encoder, engineering, featureApp, featuring, frame, generate, HD, image, image featuring featureapp, images, java, model, model 3D, models, morphing, movie, news, programming, projects, Python, scientific, scientifique, software, vidéo, vidéos. Calcul
Face on face by Empty3
I created a « face changer » application which allows you to exchange faces on photos using facial recognition. The application is free (Apache 2.0 free software license) and is available for PC (Linux Windows maybe MacOSX) and soon for Android. Empty3.
Java 21.
How to download it?
Use the git client and type in a terminal:
git clone https://github.com/manuelddahmen/empty3-library-ux
Make sure you have 5 GB of free disk space.
How to run the app:
./gradlew FaceDetect

The 3rd Screenshot will arrive soon. ( at 1 hour rendering )

This application allows you to change faces in a photo.
Alexander de Croo has the face of Cyril Hanouna.
Clone and Run (with Java executable available with java command) runs on Windows:
for Linux:

Job done. Job finished.
Photo Alexander de Croo with face of Cyril Hanouna.
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